Why Not?
Why not work better with the citizens of Ward 3?
The first item of my platform is Citizen Engagement. What does that mean? This is more than asking people to vote every 2-4 years when an election happens. It is about giving the people of Ward 3 a way to be involved in the years between the elections. It is about firing up public interest/excitement about projects.
People, not just good ideas, make projects happen.
FYI: There is a survey right now you should fill out. This is a survey budget calculator for the city of Saint John and is part of 2021: A Long Term Financial Plan. It asks where cuts should be made or taxes raised to balance our budget. This takes some time to fill out and forces you to make some tough decisions. You want lower property taxes? Tell them!, but also be prepared to tell them what to cut. If you don't like how the survey is set up there are plenty of places to say so. You only have until April 11, 2019.
Why not have the best support for entrepreneurs and innovators in the East?
I want the city to be a leader in technology. We have great business development programs that help start ups. We give awards to our top innovators and inventors. But most people living in the South End, Lower West and East End do not feel connected to those programs and events. We need to help make that connection. I want to help make that connection.
FYI: Saint John hosted Richard Florida twice in 2008. Florida talked about how the "Creative Class" i.e. artist, high-tech employees, and innovators living in a city's core would drive economic growth. What do you think, drives economic growth?
Why not help our already active community organizations become leading examples for the rest of the country?
I want our many community and charitable organizations to grow. It never fails to humble me, the remarkable efforts and care of our volunteers and community workers. You want to reduce poverty, homelessness? You want to improve education and the health of Saint Johners? All you need to do is listen to our community organizations' leaders. They have the experience, and knowledge. They are already working to help all those issues. The job of the city is to support them any way they can.
FYI: Here is just one list of places to volunteer. Fill out a form and they can find a place that fits you.
Why not find the balance between preserving our beautiful old homes while pursuing new development?
Having rented for a decade in the South End, my wife and I are now landlords, so it is not surprising that heritage laws and grants have been important to us. Saint John has done a good job of preserving our history through our architecture. But we don't want to be so well preserved that we get mummified. Zoning laws and work permits matter. Demolition of derelict houses matter. Every drafty window matters. These issues are a large part of council meetings and as a city councillor I will do the homework and put in the time because every roof matters.
FYI: In 2010 Saint John hosted Karim Rashid, a world renowned industrial designer and architect. He told a sold out crowd at the Imperial Theatre that new construction is essential to retain the vitality of city centers.